The Next Generation Performance Enhancer and Detoxifier

Each 1000 ml contains

  • TriCholine Citrate: 100g
  • L-Carnitine: 25g
  • Betaine HCL: 20g
  • DL- Methionine: 15g
  • Magnesium Sulphate: 55g
  • Sorbitol: 255g
  • Liver Extract: 10g
  • Protein Hydrolysate: 10g
  • Vitamin B12: 400g
  • Inositol: 1g
  • Sodium Selenite: 1.4g

Natural Bioflavonoids and Polyphenols: Silymarin, Artichoke, Quercetin ,Ginseng


  • Silymarin: Powerful antioxidant and supports the liver by preventing the depletion of glutathione
  • Cynarin (Artichoke): Kidney activator and Detoxifier
  • L- Carnitine: Promotes the lipid redistribution in different organs in the body,also helps to burn the fat while maintaining lean muscle mass and improve the egg production, and hatchability.
  • Quercetin: Is one of the most biologically active flavonoid. It acts as a potent polyphenol antioxidant
    and immune system modulator. Quercetin has numerous other health benefits.
  • Ginseng: Revitalizer, Rejuvenator and blood purifier
  • Sorbital & Magnesium : Diuretic and digestion improver
  • Choline Betaine & Methionine : Known as a ‘methyl donors’ Interact closely with each other in the
    regulation of lipid metabolism and in the prevention of fatty liver, protecting the liver from fatty
  • Vitamin B12 : In haemopoetic and Circulatory system
  • Protein hydrolysate, Inositol, Liver extract, Selenium etc. altogether, have very important role to play
    in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, liver function, blood vascular system and immune mechanism.

Recommendation for Usage:

  • Broilers: 10ml / 100 birds for 2-3 days in a week
  • Layers: Chicks: 10ml / 100 birds for first 3 days in a week
  • Growers: 10ml / 100 birds for 1-2 days in a week
  • Layers: 10ml / 100 birds for 2 days in a week
  • Breeders: 20 ml / 100 birds 3 days in a week

During disease condition-
Layers/Broilers: 10ml / 100 birds twice daily for 5 consecutive days
Breeders: 15-20 ml / 100 birds twice daily for 5 consecutive days

Presentation: 1 Ltr & 5 Ltr

Side Effect: No side effect